Thursday, November 05, 2009

Now Hear This

According to this article, these are six phrases men love to hear:

1) You look great.

2) I love it when you [insert action].

That woman just checked you out.

You're right.

Will you help me unscrew this?

You're not going bald.

I'll agree with #1 and #5. I'm indifferent on #2. But the other three? Dubious.

For #3, as Admiral Ackbar would say, "IT'S A TRAP!" Don't fall for it.

For #4, I wouldn't know how I'd feel, as nobody has ever said this to me.

For #6, please. I'm aware that my head feels cooler year after year. I don't need to be lied to. Why don't you just deny my expanding gut while you're at it.

Here are some phrases that I think men would want to hear:

- It's OK, I got the bill.
- Let's talk...Just kidding!
- Go Bruins!
- I'm too full. I don't know what I was thinking ordering this extra taco. Do you want it?

That's all I have for now. Anyone else have more phrases? I'd love to hear them.


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