Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Books and (e)Books

Last week, Amazon announced the coming of the next generation of the Kindle. For the past week, I've been having a conversation with myself that goes something like this:

"Get the Kindle already."
"Now? But I like actual books."
"What do you think e-books are?"
"They're not real books!"
"Oh, BS. Do paper and binding really mean anything? It's about the words. It's about READING."
"Besides, do you know how many free books there are out there?"
"So get it already. It's cheap. You have Amazon Reward points, for crying out loud."

And on and on and on...

There's something about the physical book; The turning of pages, the musty smell of the paper, the way strangers strain for a glance at the title of whatever you're reading at Coffee Bean.

Also, the gifting of books is underrated. Right now I'm reading The Good Soliders by David Finkel. It's an account of a battalion of Rangers during the Iraq War. It's one of the best books I've ever read. And I wouldn't have known about it if my good friend Tinz didn't order it on Amazon.

I've warmed up to the concept of e-reading. After K, her sister and brother-in-law all got Kindles for Christmas (I admit, I felt left out), I thought there must be something to them. I got a hold of one. It's great. The e-Ink is easy on my eyes. It's lightweight. I was sold.

I've decided to wait till later in the year (Birthday? Christmas? One of those days.) to jump into the e-book frenzy. However I will still read physical books, for all the things I've mentioned earlier. In my world paper and e-Ink will co-exist in literary harmony. And I will read in perfect bliss.


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