Sunday, April 25, 2010

National Poetry Month - My Contribution

Hey friends,

Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? If you're an NPR junkie, you probably did. But if not, well, there you go.

It's been a while since I've published some of my verse. But really, how can you top this? You can't. You just say what's on your heart, and set it free.

So here we go again...

This Bird Has Flown

I noticed you yesterday.
You tap-tapped your beak on my window
All the while
I looked past you
To my own blue sky

And now this bird has flown
Far and wide.
Where will you go?
On whose tree will you land?
Whose window will you tap-tap?
And will the ones that hear your tap-tap
Rush to the sill and fling wide the doors
And hear the sweet song that you sing,
That you've always sung?

Or will they stare into the clouds
Past your song
Past your dreams
And wish they could fly
Into the sky
They barely know.

This bird has flown
Far and wide
Make room for my wings,
And the song I sing.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Shared Adventures

More thoughts on Don Miller's post: What Women Really Need From Men.

I used to read posts like these voraciously. I was single, desperate and confused. Male columnists would tell me one thing. Female bloggers would tell me the exact opposite. The guys would offer rebuttals, "Don't listen to what women want, it's not true!" And around and around I would go, even more confused. I just wanted to know how to get girls. And keep them.

After a failed relationship, and a lengthy period of wallowing in self-pity, I, for lack of a better phrase, found myself. I took a couple writing classes, traveled with friends, volunteered in my church. I went on taco runs. I frequented the Brass Monkey. Through all of these random things, I discovered new passions and rekindled old ones. My life was full. My life was good.

My new life, however, has been wonderful. It's wonderful not because K and I get butterflies every time we see each other (it's a great concept on paper, but in practice it just doesn't happen). It's wonderful because when we do see each other, talk on the phone, or instant message each other, we get to share about our adventures. Our church calls it a "Hero's Journey". K shares about her adventures with the Rwandan Military. I share about an idea I had for an article submission. We listen to each other, offer feedback when asked, and most importantly, we affirm each other in our adventures.

If there's a key to a long lasting relationship, in my view, this is it. Are you able to tell your S.O. about the things in your life that matter? Does she support you in your passions, encouraging you when you feel anxious? And does it go both ways? If you can answer yes to these questions, you are in great shape.

There's nothing like living out your passions, and being able to share them with the one you love.