Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halfway There

Well that didn't take long. That coffee is still working its magic.

Yes, I'm running a half-marathon. This one. I have over two months to train. To beat my body to the point where chugging along at a 15 min. mile pace won't wreck my shins.

I've been training for over a week. I get up at 6am to run 30 minutes around the block. The sun doesn't rise until 6:45. Normally, I don't like running in pitch dark, but damnit, I'm training.

I feel better overall, but my legs are sore. And I'm always hungry. Which I guess is a good thing.

That's how I feel now. I'm sure in a few weeks, these runs will be like walking. Right?


If you're coming from Xanga, welcome. I like Xanga, but I feel like I outgrew it. I don't blog much these days. I don't have time. Or maybe I do have time, but I've spent it on those other social networking outlets. By the way, if you're still doing that "I-refuse-to-cave-and-join-Facebook" thing, OK. I get it. But really, it's not that big a deal.

My life has changed over the past few months. For the better. I'm not as emo. I'm dating a wonderful woman, who laughs at my jokes. Even when they're not jokes. Blogging has fallen through the cracks. I've missed it. And thanks to a cup of coffee taken at 7:30, I have the energy to write here.

I would like to write more in this space, but I know that takes commitment and focus. And less time on the FB. I'm ok with that.

Some subjects that I'll be blogging about:

- Training for a half-marathon
- Relationships
- Wats good on TV
- Use of the phrase "wats good"
- Albolin (That crap ain't goin' away)

And much more. Thanks for tuning in. I hope you'll join me for some part of the journey.